Shane Flynn
Senior Vice Chairman and Executive Committee member of MBNA America
CEO of MBNA Europe – with more than 6000 employees and a nearly $30 billion portfolio
During Shane’s 17 years at MBNA he had senior roles in Marketing, Sales and Operations
Adviser to some of the largest US and European private equity firms and banks
Extensive work with US and international regulators
Consumer Finance
International Management
Operations Management
Regulatory Issues
Private Equity
Representative accomplishments
Select Prior Employers
MBNA Corporation
Societe Azur
Oversaw doubling of MBNA Europe revenues in 30 months to $2.2 billion with $500 million in net income before taxes
President of MBNA Marketing Systems—grew cash volume from $3 billion in 1993 to $70 billion in 2003
Testified publicly to U.K. Treasury Select Committee
Worked closely with regulators in many jurisdictions including the OCC, Fed, and FSA/FCA
Founder and board member of a startup technology company—identified the opportunity and supported development of specialized technology system
Formed/led executive team in a $10 billion international PE-backed acquisition (final team before seller pulled the opportunity)
Chairman Chester Renaissance $2.5 billion Public/Private economic development effort
University of Chester: DBA (Honorary)
University of Dublin, Trinity College: BBS (Honors)
EOP CII (France)